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Long Absence & Sharing Art

It’s been forEVER since I’ve posted. While I didn’t stop doing art (though I did take a sizable break), the posting took more time than I was willing to commit, especially once we adopted our son. (He’s now 17 months old and amazing!)

So why am I back today? This year, I’ve been working through a book called “365 Days of Art.” While the ‘Drawing a Day’ Challenge is great, I had a hard time for many of the prompts and had to check out examples on the internet more often than I liked. Plus, since my time is so limited, it didn’t allow me to explore more mediums, let alone Art I came up with myself.

The book takes care of the former, though not the latter. That’s OK, because I struggle with my own ideas. I’m a great mimic, but have a long way to go to discover and express myself. And while I don’t like all of the prompts, I do see how even the less enjoyable ones are helping me experiment, grow, and improve – and I am!

Today’s prompt asks me to share my art either I person or online and record comments. It would be cheating to (re)post earlier work….or to record comments from those original posts. Since to be true to the spirit of the prompt, here is a smattering of work I have done this year, submitted without comment or explanation. (Although I’m happy to respond to any questions about any of these.) I did try to show variety and include the instructions.

Comments are welcome and encouraged – even criticism. If possible, please try to frame comments, especially negative ones in a manner that will help me improve.